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Why choose lutenitsa in a box?
Do you remember the taste of the homemade lutenica , which in the late summer simmered on the fire and the air around was filled with...
What vegetables and fruits does Bulkons use in its products?
At Bulkons Parvomai OOD, we are proud to support vegetable producers in Bulgaria, because we only use natural, fresh and clean Bulgarian vegetables. Every year...
What does less starch use in products mean?
In the production of Lyutenitsa Parvomai, we use purees made from fresh Bulgarian tomatoes and peppers, which require the addition of ...
How do we store tomato and pepper purees?
A very important part of the technology for the production of products with the brand "Bulkons" is the storage of tomato and pepper purees! We store the purees in special containers called "tan...
Do we add purees and concentrates delivered from abroad?
The tomato and pepper puree of Bulkons Parvomai OOD is produced entirely from Bulgarian fresh vegetables, this makes our products unique on the Bulgarian market The factory of...
Tomatoes that have healing properties
Tomatoes are a natural reservoir of vitamin C and provitamin A (beta-carotene). In terms of vitamin C content, they are not inferior to both lemons and apricots. Only 100 g of tomatoes contains carotene, ...
What is the difference between adult and children's lutein?
In the special products of Bulkons under the Lyutenichko brand, intended for children, purees of natural and pure Bulgarian vegetables, typical of children's food, are used. They also give more...