Проект : Договор № BG06RDNP001-4.015-0189-C01
Дейност : Модернизация на работните процеси чрез въвеждане използването на енергия от възобновяеми енергийни източници, автоматизация на технологичното оборудване и строително-монтажни работи с цел обновяване на производствените мощности
Цели : Модернизация на съществуващо предприятие за преработка на зеленчуци
Резултат : Подобрени мерки за опазване на околната среда и автоматизирани работни процеси в предприятието
Обща стойност : 3 387 526.78 лв.
Начало : 24.07.2023 г.
Край : 15.06.2025 г.
At "Bulcons Parvomay" LTD produce our products FROM BULGARIAN VEGETABLES, which makes them UNIQUE
In 2022, we bought from Bulgarian Farmers:
- 8500 tons of fresh tomatoes
- 6200 tons of fresh red peppers
- 25 tons of aubergine
We follow traditional recipes only
- Products taste as they did in the past.
- Without frozen raw materials.
Natural herbs only
- No preservatives
- No artificial colors
- No stabilizers
Production lines in three production facilities
- The company's work areas are located on 25,000 m2
The products, of which we are so proud
LUTENITSAoriginal recipe
Finely ground Lutenica
Stacks Product Stacks
Horekahigh quality products
BULCONS RECIPES authentic taste as made in home
45 minA spicy and appetizing addition to any dish. To make it in its original taste you have to wait for the late summer and autumn to come. Those of you who like to add some piquancy to their dish will love it. You can make it in different variations all year round.
see details